Wow, what a jam packed day!

The first half of this day was dedicated to Little Man. Saturdays are one of three days we spend at Hit Pit MMA in Spokane Valley, WA.. It's on this day that he works on MMA skills including sparring and striking. The other two classes he takes during the week are geared more towards jiu-jitsu. In addition to his class this weekend they also had a belt promotion ceremony. He was promoted from yellow belt/white stripe to yellow belt/gold stripe. He was tested earlier in the week and did great! We are over the moon excited for him. We are proud of all the effort he's put in and the dedication he's shown.

Later that afternoon we headed to our friend's house to celebrate their daughter's birthday. It's so hard to believe that she turned six! All that means is that our little Princess will be six in the blink of an eye. Our daughter's are three weeks apart. It's unbelievable that I have two school aged children. Anyhow, back to the party. It was great fun! We all celebrated Phineas and Ferb style - complete with a Perry the platypus cake! Our friends are SO creative. There were over a dozen children there and they were probably the most well behaved group of kid that we've had the pleasure of being around.. Thanks D's for a great party!

The final part of our day/night was spent celebrating Troy for father's day. Yes, it was a day early, but we knew that Sunday was going to be jam packed as well, so we got to it early. The kids showered Troy with Star Wars themed goodies and back to back episodes of the Star Wars series. They loved snuggling in with their Daddy and watching one of their favorite movies. It was a great way to wrap up the busy day.

Andrea - The Mommy

Birthday Party Goers
Party of Troy's Father's Day Loot!
Tyler with his trophy for Shows Respect.
Award show season has come and gone for the television and film industry. The beautiful ball gowns and tuxedos have been tucked away for other occasions or returned back to the designer that loaned them out in the first place. All the glitz and glam put to rest. 

However, the award season is just getting warmed up here at the Phifer Four. Within one week, Tyler, was given TWO awards.

The first was a classroom award. This one (shown in the picture to the left) is for Showing Respect. This is not a huge shock. My boy is our social butterfly and he especially loves interacting with adults. He's learned over time that the best way to do this is be respectful. His actions are genuine and love driven. His kind heart always puts others first and shows people how much he cares for them. 

Secondly, Little Man was given an award last night for being a Pillar of Trustworthiness. This award is given to students throughout the school who exemplify that attribute. He was honored at the school's PTA meeting and will be honored in front of the student body at an assembly. 

Up next on the horizon? Little Man hopes to be awarded with a belt promotion at jiu-jitsu, March 25th. He's currently a yellow belt and is looking forward to earning his first white stripe. This is an opportunity that happen every 3 months or so, depending on attendance and skill competency.

Little Man is such a great kid! We are so proud of him, award or no. Although, it is a blessing that other recognize in him what we've known all along. Way to go son!   

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Col 3:23

To the left is a picture of Little Man at the in-house jiu-jitsu tournament that Hit Pit hosted Saturday, February 26th. It was the first tournament held for the Little Nova's class (ages 4-11). 

There are three words that I embedded into the picture: determination, dedication, and desire. It is those three words that embody Little Man's spirit when it comes to training in jiu-jitsu. He's not the fastest or the strongest. However, he does work at it with all his heart. 

When it comes to matters of the heart we all know that it is not a one sided game. It is multi faceted, like a beautiful gem. Not only does Little Man work hard at the sport, but he works hard at being a good person. He wishes his opponents luck, is completely humble at wins and losses, willingly competes against kids of any age and size, and is kind hearted in all that he does.  

We are so proud of our boy! Sometimes, I know he wishes he was the strongest or the fastest (and that will come with time), but we are so proud of his determination, dedication, desire, and most of all his heart! 

Love you infinity, son!